Thanks Mom!
Sunday, May 9, 2010 at 11:12AM

I have been blessed to live a pretty interesting life so far, and I much of it to my mom.  None of us would be anything without our mothers and my Mom is a special one.  So I am going to take a moment and share a little about her.

My mom was raised a little differently than most in her era, as she was the product of a real two-income family.  My grandmother (who just turned 90) was a real Renaissance woman for her time, raising two kids while continuing to work as a nurse at a manufacturing plant in Illinois while my grandfather worked as an engineer on the Illinois Central Railroad (he snuck me on the train when I was four or five, something I remember as clear as yesterday).    Her parents had nothing but the highest of expectations for her and that translated down to her kids.

At 26, my mom married into a ready-made family and ended up raising and putting a total of five kids through college, while for most of that time, teaching kindergarten in St. Augustine's public schools.   Like most families, we had our good years and bad years, but I can't remember her ever making her kids go without---even if it meant driving a ten year old, nearly 200K mile family trucksteresque blue mini-van complete with wood paneling and a somewhat broken speedometer, so we could attend the best schools, chase our dreams and have had every opportunity to succeed as adults.  

And like all good moms, my mother continues to be all in for her kids.  Whether it is chasing my Broadway sister Lisa around the country, or helping Liz raise her "grand-chickens," or in my case, becoming a full time Obama volunteer in 2008 (my mother meeting Michelle Obama will always be one of my favorite memories), she continues to be 100% supportive of whatever we get ourselves into.   Though at least now, she doesn't have to drive a mini-van anymore!

So mom, Happy Mothers Day and much love to you.  Any success I've had is due in large part to the start you gave me and the rest of the crew.  

Article originally appeared on Steve Schale -- Veteran Florida Man Politico (
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